You Will be Shocked to Know! Is Tea Acidic?
Tea is everyday cuppa happiness for tea lovers. Enjoying the sweet notes of tea is calming and no less than a peaceful love song. People have been crushing over tea and the various forms it comes in. From Boba to the good old orthodox tea, it is the new era of the realm of tea.
The elixir of tea lies in the health benefits it offers. The beverage is no less than medicine for the body. It is a well-known fact that tea has less caffeine than coffee. However, have you ever wondered: is tea acidic? The question is genuine. Like all the other forms of drinks, tea too must have a pH. This pH defines and answers the question: is tea acidic or basic and how acidic is tea?
The Meaning of pH and Acidity
To find out how acidic is tea, we need to start from the basics. What is meant by pH? How does it determine the acidity of tea? Read on to find out.
To put it in simple terms, pH is a measure of acidity. The lower the value of the pH, the more is the acidity of the substance. The optimum level is set to be 7. Anything less than 7 is acidic and anything more than it is basic, where 7 is neutral.
Understand it this way: take the example of lemon. The substance is acidic in nature and hence, has a pH level of 2. On the other hand, baking soda which is alkaline in nature has a pH of 8.3.
Now, the world today has shifted to more alkaline diets. The reason is the acid reflux for teeth, stomach, and the body. Research has found that alkaline diets boost kidney and heart health. This puts the measure of pH for everyday consuming substances like tea under the light of cruciality. Is tea acidic? Let us find out.
Is Tea Acidic or Basic?
The answer to the question is a perplexing one. This is because, unlike coffee which has a fairly consistent pH, the acidity of tea depends on the type of tea. Tea is a rich beverage that is sourced from all across the world and comes in many different varieties. The answer to is tea acidic or basic depends on the variety of the tea.
In conclusion, acidity is determined by the following factors:
- The variety or the type of tea.
- How much quantity of the tea is consumed?
- What method is adopted while drinking tea?
- The additions, while making tea.
How Acidic is Tea?: The Measuring Note
As mentioned above, the tea is acidic or basic on the basis of the pH scale. The neutrality of the note stands at 7 which is the of substances like pure water. Anything above 7 is alkaline while anything below it is acidic.
While most teas fall under the category of mildly acidic, there are teas that can go as down as the value 3 which is strongly acidic. Commercial bottled teas can have this strong acidic value. Similarly, fruit-based teas present in the market have an acidic ting in them. Herbal teas that are found in the market in the name of flavored fruits can be acidic.
Even having tea made from a tea bag can affect your health. For the best health of mind and body, we recommend the consumption of homemade orthodox and herbal teas.
Which Tea is More Acidic? Green or Black Tea?
Be it the green, black or white tea, all the pure teas come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. This makes one think, is tea acidic? Which tea is more acidic? How acidic is tea?
However, the answer depends on the manufacturing and processing of the tea. Likewise, the quality of the tea is also important to note. The following is the general range of pH levels, one can expect tea to fall in:
Type of Tea |
The Range of pH |
White Tea |
8-10 |
Black Tea |
4.8-5.5 |
Green Tea |
4.9-5.5 |
Oolong Tea |
5.5-7 |
As black tea has the lowest pH range, it is the one that goes through the most processing. This is the reason that it is the most acidic tea. This answers which is the more acidic tea, green tea or the black one. Green tea is processed but in much smaller amounts than black one. White tea at last is the least processed tea.
The Acidic Note of the Herbal Tea
The acidity of the herbal tea is dependent on the plant or flower it is made from and the herbs and spices one adds to it. The common range of pH levels found in some herbal teas are:
Type of Tea |
The Range of pH Levels |
Ginger Tea |
7-7.5 |
Peppermint Tea |
6-7 |
Hibiscus Tea |
6.5-6.8 |
Rooibos Tea |
6-7 |
Lemongrass Tea |
5.8-6.3 |
Chrysanthemum Tea |
7-7.4 |
Chamomile Tea |
6-7 |
Can Tea Cause Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux is a condition where the stomach acid causes irritation in the food pipelines. Acid reflux causes chest pain or the “heartburn” as it is popularly called. This is the acidic reaction of the stomach to the overconsumption of acidic substances by the body.
Can tea cause acid reflux? Since most teas have acidic properties, they can be a reason behind acid reflux. However, there is a catch. Teas can only cause acid reflux if consumed in large quantities or with acidic diets.
Tea is a healthy beverage and some varieties of it are counted in the “super food”. Choose your tea wisely and take note of the diet. Is tea acidic? Yes, but this does not imply that the drink is harmful. Teas like white tea, ginger tea, or chamomile tea are great when consumed after dinner. There are even teas like ginger tea, rooibos tea, and chamomile tea that even cure acid reflux and heal heartburn.
How Bad is Acidic Tea for the Body?
It is an established fact that acid harms the body. However, tea consumed by tea lovers is majorly not in quantities that can harm the body. Most herbal and pure tea consumers are out of the risk area.
Tea if brewed right, consumed in the right quantities, and with the right additions is only helpful for the body. This is the reason that though the answer to is tea acidic is a yes, the negative effects of the beverage are minimal. Pure teas like green tea, white tea, and black tea, are beneficial for health.
The only catch is to understand the pH of your body at the moment and keep an eye on the diet consumed.
Ways to Lower the Acidity of the Tea
Acidity of the tea can be reduced by adopting certain undemanding measures. The easiest way forward is to add neutral or alkaline substances to it:
For example, adding milk helps. For acidic teas like the fruit ones, adding milk can be a great idea. Milk will reduce the acidity of the tea. Adding water, which is a neutral liquid will work as well. It is to be noted that for preventing the risk of acid reflux, milk might not always work. This is because the milk that is supplied to the households is processed and hence lacks the good bacteria needed to reduce the acid content.
Hence, the acid content of the tea can be reduced by adding substances to it. The quantity reduced will depend on the additions.
- Is Green Tea Acidic?
Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, however, the acid content in both the teas is different. This is because the acid content is also dependent on the processing. Where black tea is the most oxidized and fermented, green tea is plucked young and only partially oxidized. For the best results, we recommend the use of orthodox green tea which is the least processed and most healthy.
- Is Black Tea Acidic?
Black tea is more acidic than green one. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the tea is harmful. Black tea is the least harmful and great for the body when it comes to fighting oxidants and boosting energy. The tea becomes a matter of concern only when sweeteners are added to it. In addition, you can always reduce the acid amount of the tea by adding neutral additions like water.
- Is White Tea Acidic?
White tea is a rare find. It is plucked young and is the least processed of them all. The tea is rare to find in the market and is renowned for its beautiful effect on the skin. The tea has a certain amount of acid but not in a quantity that can harm your body. The tea has a lot to offer for your health and beauty!
- Is Tea More Acidic Than Coffee?
Coffee can be less and more acidic than tea depending on the type of tea. In a study, it was found that coffee is more acidic than pure and herbal teas however less acidic than fruit teas like lemon tea. The quantity also depends on the source of the tea.
- Is Tea Harmful for Stomach or Teeth?
It was observed in a study by the American Dental Association that anything that has a pH between 2-4 is harmful to the teeth. You can smile brighter because tea does not fall in this category. The British Tea Journal that tea does not harm the teeth.
Teas do not harm the stomach if consumed in the right quantities. In fact, herbal and pure teas are beneficial for the same.
- Is Chamomile Tea Acidic?
You may be surprised to know the answers to the question, is tea acidic? Is in contrast to what one expects. This tea cures acid reflux! Chamomile tea has a calming effect on the body and is known to reduce mild heartburn.
- Is Ginger Tea Acidic?
Another tea that reduced acid reflux and heals the heartburn in the body. The beauty of ginger tea is that it is a natural product that is made with herbs and spices. The tea works wonders when it comes to fighting acidic problems of the body.
- Is Rooibos Tea Acidic?
The tea is partially oxidized and hence is non-acidic in nature. The tea has a great number of anti-oxidants and works best for the health of the body.
The Bottom Line
Teas may or may not be acidic in nature. There are some teas like green and black tea which have a little acid content and others like chamomile tea that cure the acid reflux of the body. Hence, the answer to is tea acidic is dependent on many factors as mentioned above. The American Dental Association declares that tea does not have negative effects on the teeth.
Hence with the right quantity of consumption and right additions, one can put a smile on the face and enjoy the cuppa tea!