Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Cup of Black Tea
Getting out of bed and starting your day with the boost of caffeine is a morning routine for a significant population. Some of us need to sip in caffeine in order to get our brains to start functioning. When your day starts well you can expect productivity to slip in throughout. Black tea is a perfect candidate to do the job.
High levels of caffeine in a cup of black tea can get you right off your bed and start the day with a boost. How essential is it to know about black tea preparation? Brewing your tea right will change the game altogether. There are different processes for making different teas. How long does it take to steep black tea? what temperature of the water will be right? All of these questions have been answered in the article below. Without any further ado let's dive in.
Understanding the Basics of Black Tea Leaves
Black tea is one of the most robust teas that come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Where green tea and white tea are soft and delicate with low caffeine levels. Black tea will give you the functions of caffeine that are very much needed in the morning.
Black Tea Benefits
One pushing factor to embrace true teas in your everyday life is their health benefits. Black tea comes with loads of cal; the primary need for your body. High caffeine levels can regulate your blood pressure and prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Filled with higher concentration of antioxidants like polyphenols and catechins, a cup of black tea can reverse the cycle of damaged cells in your body.
In addition, a cup of black tea can boost your immunity to the next level and fill you up with energy. Who would have thought that sipping a cup of your favorite beverage in the morning comfort of your bed will be a blessing for your body? Hence it is important to know how to make black tea in order to attain all these health benefits.
How to Make Black Tea? Step by Step Guide
Water is your Supreme Ingredient!
Yes, you heard right water does affect the taste of your tea. From the quality of water to its temperature everything will ultimately pour down to the taste of your black tea.
How to make black tea with perfect water? The first and preliminary thing to keep in mind is to use high-quality freshwater. Using tap water or hard water for brewing black tea is a strict no!
Next comes the water temperature. The right temperature will make the black tea leaves seep out the perfect flavour. When the water is too cold it will result in a bland tasteless cup of tea. On the other hand, if it's too hot it will burn out the natural flavours. The right temperature of the water would be around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, the black tea leaves will give you the perfect essence of the natural taste.
Coldwater is never a good idea even while making iced tea. It will never allow the black tea leaves to infuse. Then how to make black tea for an iced brew? Simply by growing the black tea in the hot water first and then allowing it to cool down followed by it’s refrigeration!
How Long to Steep Black Tea?
For a perfect cup of black tea, the steeping time should not be more than 5 minutes. We advise you to keep the range between 3 to 5 minutes. Anything less will make it flavourless, and anything more will make it taste bitter.
Flavourless and bitter is obviously not your cup of tea. It must be noted that sleeping time is affected by personal preferences.
How to Make Black Tea Your Classic Recipe?
Now that you are aware of the basics and things to keep in mind let us look at the basic recipe of how to make black tea.
Ingredients( for one cup of tea) :
- 1 teaspoon of loose black tea leaves.
- 240 ml of water.
- Toppings: Honey, milk, lemon cinnamon powder, etc.
How to Make Black Tea?
- Take the water in a kettle and let it boil until it reaches around 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Keep the black tea leaves in the infuser and pour the hot water onto the leaves.
- Let the black tea infuse for 3 to 5 minutes. You can even taste inbetween to find the exact taste that you wish for.
- Remove the strainer.
- Your black tea has proved now you can add your optional flavourings as per your wishes. Warm milk and honey is always a good idea.
- Enjoy earthly your perfect cup of black tea.
Closing Thoughts
Looking for a beverage to include a morning routine? Well, black is ideal for you! Filled with caffeine it will kick start your day.
Brewing black tea can be confusing. At times, simple things are the ones that may put you in a situation of perplexity. To make it easy for you we drafted this article on how to make black tea for a perfectly glorious cup of delicate taste! Use information about and enjoy earthly cups of tea.