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ancient kettle, spoon, white wooden background with a white teacup on a white plate and green leaves.

Should You Reheat Tea? Things You Need to Know About It

Jan 22, 2022


Juggling with lazy days, busy schedules, and multi-tasking? we all have done it. There is no lying; reheating tea is one of the beloved tasks for tea lovers. We all have those happy thoughts of brewing a little extra tea for an hour later. 

You stand by your teapot, brew your tea, and have the joyful thoughts of having a cup of hot green tea drink now and while some tea is saved. You know it well; an hour later, all you need to do is reheat this tea. It will take a minute, and you are good to go! Time saved!

However, ever thought about whether it is the right thing to do? What if reheating tea affects your health? We are writing this article to illuminate the pros and cons of reheating and inform you about the ways to reinstate the leftover tea healthily. 

Can I Reboil Tea?

The solution to the interrogation is uncertain. It depends on what tea is being questioned for?

The Bare Tea

If we look at the bare tea that has nothing added, it can be reheated. However, there is a plot twist here too. Reheating tea will tone down the aroma and may affect the medicinal properties of healthy beverages like hot green tea drinks.

There are certain sensitive compounds present in tea. Unfortunately, these compounds burn out on heating. To add to the situation, if you decide to reheat the tea, it will lose a significant chunk of its medicinal properties. 

Tea With Milk

Now, let us have a word of the tea with added substances. For a tea with honey, milk, etc., reheating may not be a good idea. On standing for an extended period, milk in the tea solidifies and creates the Rainbow-Y layer on the tea surface.

The Rainbow-Y Layer on the Tea Surface

Tea with milk forms a thin layer on its surface on cooling down. The layer causing light to refract is a natural phenomenon. On refracting, the light creates a rainbow-like reflection, and hence the layer is called the rainbow layer. The layer is not harmful to your health. If your tea has gone cold because of standing for 10-15 minutes, you can reheat it.

However, teas with milk that have been standing for hours must not be heated because, by this time, bacteria and other pathogens must have started growing on them. In addition, milk in the tea itself has begun in Detroit. Therefore, we will not recommend you reheat tea with milk. 

How to Reheat Tea Safely?

Reheating a hot green tea drink can be carried out best by a stove. To reheat tea in a microwave is not recommended. Using a furnace will not cause drastic changes in the flavors or nutrient properties of the tea. However, if you are looking for convenience, a microwave is a quick and easy option. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind while reheating your tea:

  • The Stove: The stove is our preference for reheating the beverage. A bare beverage like green tea can be saved the best by reheating it to the required temperatures on a furnace. Just let it simmer for a few seconds, and you are done!

  • Electric Kettle: Electric kettle comes second in the options to reheat tea. Make sure you supervise the temperature and do not let the tea boil.

  • Microwave: Microwave is not recommended for reheating teas, including the green tea drink. This is because it harms the nutritional properties of the tea as well as alters the flavors of the same.

  • Avoid Reheat, Try a New Drink!

    Instead of reheating, you have other options available that can prove to be healthier than consuming a reheated tea. Ice tea drinks can be made with all kinds of brewed beverages. From green tea drink to black tea drink, use these innovative and healthy ideas to reuse your tea:

    Freeze It

    • Pour the stranded tea into an ice tray. 
    • Let it freeze for a few hours. 
    • Put the ice cubes in a jar. Add water, sweeteners, add-ons to it.
    • Enjoy your fresh drink!


    If you want to have an ice tea later, refrigerate the tea. Then, simply pour the cold beverage in a jar, you can add honey, lemon, etc., and your iced tea is ready!

    Bottom Line

    Reheating tea is not a great idea. The process can be carried out in cases of bare teas or teas that have been stranded for a few minutes. However, it will destroy the nutritional properties and flavors of the beverage. Healthy teas like the Green Tea drink should only be taken fresh. A reboiled tea may even harm your health. Try the alternatives given above and keep your health in the central figure!

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