Time-Honoured Cultures of Tea From India
India is the second-largest producer of tea after China. The country has more than 1 million tea states that fabricate India's ancient tea culture. The country voices its value of unity in diversity by employing ethnically diversified workers from different geographical areas of the country.
India is one of the largest producers and one of the largest consumers of tea. Tea from India has various varieties, but one that has won hearts across the world is Darjeeling tea. Another famous variant of tea from India is the chai. So let us call the soul of this culturally and ethnically rich country and find which is the best tea available in India?
Tea Culture in India
India is diversified in terms of terrain and the tea growing regions in the subcontinent. The Eastern part of the country is the central hub of the tea-growing region. Assam, Darjeeling and Nilgiri form the heart of the tea growing regions. Tea exports from India are majorly a contribution of these regions.
Situated in the vicinity of the Himalayas, the beauty of these regions are lush green forests and high mountains surrounding them, giving you the experience of breathing nature. Tea is grown and produced in varieties that are specifically renowned based on these regions. There must be some Darjeeling Tea fans reading the blog right away, are there?
Darjeeling Tea
The British sowed the seeds of smuggled Chinese tea into the soils of India. In the quest to find environmental conditions that would mirror those of China, the British stumbled upon Darjeeling. This part of India was on high attitude, it was cool, rainy and the bushes would grow ideally in the mountainous region.
Hence the growth of tea in Darjeeling was successful by the 1850s. Tea exports from India became so famous that Darjeeling is often named the champagne of teas. The tea crops of Darjeeling vary as they depend on the soil conditions of weather and output of the mountainous terrain in that particular year. Tea from India is popularly called Darjeeling tea because of its healthy properties and distinguished taste.
Darjeeling Tea & Sipping Culture
Tea culture in India is just like the champagne of Indian teas. Tea from India comes in many varieties, but the ki variants are green, black and white. Green tea from India is known for its health benefits like weight loss. On the other hand, if you are looking for something to kick start your day with, the black tea of India is high in caffeine and a perfect match for you.
Each of these varieties has its particular brewing instructions, to be specific. Without following these instructions, you may not achieve the authentic flavours and aroma of these pure teas. The Indian households use the CTC forms of teas for their spiced recipes like the chai.
The Seasonal Yield of Tea From India
The tea grown in Darjeeling can be the Indian variety (assamica) or the Chinese variety (Sinensis). Many do not know that the Darjeeling tea can be a China India hybrid as well. This tea cannot be found across the world.
The tea bushes are cultivated in Darjeeling throughout the year. February to November is the harvest season of Darjeeling tea. Hence the yield comes in several seasons. These seasonal yields are called "flushes":
- First Flush: The first harvest of the year harvested between February and March is called the first flush. The tea leaves derived in this flush are delicate and hence have a more fresh, floral, or light flavour.
- Second Flush: The second yield is picked in May. The leaves are more mature, are full-bodied and have a silvery tip. These tea leaves are known for their fruity and muscatel flavour.
- Monsoon flush: This yield is from June to October. The broad leaves will give you a stronger colour and a more dense flavour.
- Autumn flush: This is harvested from October to November in Darjeeling is called the autumn flush. The yield is much copper in colour and will give you a smooth but full flavour.
The Hindi term for Tea is "Chai." it is India’s most prevalent form of tea. The culture and emotions of India are visible in chai and its beautiful Aroma. It is prepared with spices and additions like Ginger.
The recipe of this city from India may vary across the continent. The recipe depends on the culture, traditions, climatic conditions, available substances and traditional ties. Popular substances that are used to prepare this spiced tea from India include milk, cardamom, cloves, ginger, peppercorns, honey sugar, etc.
Sip Chai Taste India
Tea culture in India is well mirrored from the chai. The aroma of this beverage fills up every Street and corner of the country. You will find tea stalls every few minutes of walk. These tea stalls are often a hub of people discussing their everyday life.
Sipping Chai and having a few minutes of meeting time is a prevalent tea culture in India. Different types of Indian tea recipes merge with Chai and its emotions. Unity in diversity is well reflected in this from India.
Closing Thoughts
The country cannot be imagined without tea from India. If you are looking for the finest qualities of tea, do a Darjeeling tea shot. However, do keep the tea’s brewing instructions in mind to achieve the most refined flavours and Aroma. Is copper will bring you closer to the earth have a safe and enjoy earthly yours me time.